You deserve stunning, silver-free fillings that look, feel, and function like natural, healthy teeth

Healthy and attractive teeth are generally white and free of unsightly stains or discolouration. Given that fundamental aspect of tooth aesthetics, why would we at Scott and Derry Dental Care settle for anything less than the best for our patients in and around Milton, Ontario? You deserve to have repaired teeth that look like the “real deal” and mimic the properties and characteristics of natural tooth structure. In turn, Dr. Jameela Jifri emphasizes using metal-free dental materials such as composite resin when repairing cavities with fillings.
The problem: Cavities
Tooth decay is a process. It does not occur overnight. With consistent visits to our office, we can detect early-stage decay before it causes damage that must be repaired with treatments like cavities. However, without prompt treatment, portions of the tooth can be eroded. These areas of deteriorated or lost tooth structure are called “cavities.” Dr. Jifri uses her substantial skill and talent to literally “fill in” the cavity or hole left behind due to untreated decay.
The solution: Tooth-coloured fillings
There are many dental materials that may be placed in the cavity to strengthen and restore the damaged, weak tooth. However, composite resin is an attractive alternative to other materials. These materials include a combination of metals. This “amalgam” does not replicate the natural appearance of the tooth. Instead, the appearance of the treated tooth may be marred by an unnatural silver colour.
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at (855) 438-4999book your appointment online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
Metal-free “white” or tooth-coloured fillings are just that – they are perfectly colour-matched to blend in with the surrounding tooth structure and neighbouring, intact teeth. Additionally, these fillings are not made with any metals. They typically include a blend of resin (plastic) and glass-like particles that help to create the most natural-looking and durable result. These fillings do a great job of imitating natural tooth enamel in both aesthetics and strength.
In fact, by taking good care of your repaired teeth, you will need no further treatment. Our fillings are designed to last. These materials also do not corrode and are appropriate for patients with concerns over adverse reactions to metal. They “wear” well and can be applied conservatively and precisely by Dr. Jifri. As a tooth-preserving alternative to silver-coloured amalgam fillings, our lovely and resilient restorations preserve maximum healthy tooth structure. This characteristic only supports your rebuilt tooth’s lasting strength, function, and beauty!
Call (855) 438-4999 to schedule an appointment at our office in Milton, ON today. Scott and Derry Dental Care is so confident in the quality of our fillings that we guarantee them for up to one year after their initial placement.
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