Understand the Procedure for Ceramic Dental Inlays in Milton, ON

Our team of Dentists at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON, are a dental team with years of experience preserving and restoring smiles for patients of all ages. They specialize in various restoration solutions, including natural-looking ceramic dental inlays using a minimally invasive procedure.
Our dentists are firm believers in the preservation of your natural teeth. Whenever possible, she and her team pursue the most effective and least invasive treatments, keeping your natural teeth healthy, strong, and working in support of your smile.
Dental inlays are a great option for patients looking to preserve as much of their natural teeth as possible. They need to remove less of a damaged or decayed tooth than a crown but restore teeth with issues that go beyond the scope of traditional fillings.
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at
(855) 438-4999book your appointment
online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
What to Expect from Dental Inlays
The placement of dental inlays is a two-visit process. First, you and the team at Scott and Derry Dental Care will discuss the benefits of dental inlays. Together, you will determine if inlays are the right course of treatment for you.
If they are, our team of dentists will begin the process by preparing and shaping your tooth. They will take an impression, get a precise reading of what needs to be restored and how your inlay should be shaped. That impression is used by a lab, who will manufacture an inlay specifically designed to fit your bite. You will go back with a temporary restoration while the inlay is being designed. When it is ready, you will return for the placement of your inlay. Once the fit is confirmed, it is then secured, necessary adjustments will be made, so your bite is comfortable and fully functional. You will leave with a restored smile, able to speak and chew like normal within a short period.
To learn more about dental inlays and decide if they are right for you, make an appointment with our team of dentists today by calling Scott and Derry Dental Care (855) 438-4999.
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