Healing diseased gums and restoring the comfort, health, and beauty of your smile with a “deep teeth cleaning”
For many of our patients at Scott and Derry Dental Care, all that is required to keep their gums healthy is the “standard” 6-month cleaning. During these cleanings, our talented dental hygienists use special tools and gentle yet skilled hands to remove bacteria, surface stains, and stubborn plaque from the teeth and at the gum line. However, individuals with active and diagnosed gum inflammation or infection may need a little more “help” in the form of deep teeth cleaning.
An introduction to scaling and root planing
The deep cleaning alternative to our standard “prophy” or teeth cleaning service is called “scaling and root planing (SRP).” Dr. Jameela Jifri may recommend this procedure to patients with existing periodontal or gum disease. When detected and addressed promptly, we can preserve these supportive structures and the teeth that depend on them. We can also help our patients avoid needing more aggressive restorative treatments. These extensive alternatives may be required to build up or replace lost or damaged soft and hard tissues, the gums and teeth.
Actual Patient Before After Results
With SRP, we can preserve those tissues. Our thinking is, “Why treat when we can protect and preserve?” We accomplish this by removing the substances responsible for disease and decay from underneath the gums and the root surfaces of the teeth. The standard prophy does not involve scaling or removing bacteria and stubborn plaque build-up from under the gums and the roots. As a “deep clean” alternative, SRP accesses the areas underneath the gums and the roots.
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In addition to removing the sticky bacterial plaque and its hardened form of tartar or calculus from these hard-to-access areas, the “planing” part of the process also involves smoothing the rough surfaces of the roots of the teeth. These surfaces tend to attract pathogens or the germs that cause gum disease. By smoothing them with special instruments and techniques, we help to manage the disease. These surfaces are less likely to attract harmful bacteria and plaque.
For utmost comfort, Dr. Jifri will apply a localized anesthetic before your cleaning. Sometimes, this therapy may be accompanied by medications such as antibiotics to fight existing infection. With proper follow-up care and consistently good oral hygiene at home, SRP may be all it takes to heal your damaged gums, stop disease progression, and restore the healthy supports and attachments to the teeth.
Contact Scott and Derry Dental Care today!
Tender gums. “Pink in the sink” or blood on your toothbrush and floss. Swollen or redder-than-usual gums. These are all potential signs of gum disease that require prompt attention. Without proper treatment, the symptoms will become worse, and the disease will progress. Call our Milton, ON office at (855) 438-4999 to schedule your exam with Dr. Jifri. We can save your smile by protecting your gums.
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