Happy, Healthy Smiles are Made with a combination of Great Home Care and Regular Visits to Our Office.
Regular visits to Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, Ontario, are essential to good oral health. However, they must be complemented by good hygiene at home. Questions? Concerns? We are happy to guide you on techniques and products tailored to you and can be easily integrated into your home care routine.
All patients, regardless of needs or risk factors, can benefit from the following tips:
- Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that is the right size for your mouth. Some adults with small mouths may find it easier to use youth brushes.
- We can also recommend electric or battery-powered toothbrushes to aid in cleaning your teeth and gums more effectively each day.
- Fluoride is a safe and proven way to keep protective tooth enamel strong. We can also apply or recommend fluoride to supplement this natural mineral among patients with early-stage tooth decay or at a heightened risk of developing cavities.
- Brush your teeth at least twice each day. Be sure to brush the gums and tongue, too. These areas attract bacteria that promote the development of harmful dental plaque.
- Drink, don’t sip! Eat, don’t snack! The longer sugary drinks or starchy foods are in contact with your teeth, the greater the opportunity for these sugars and food particles to combine with bacteria in the mouth and produce plaque. Dental plaque attacks the teeth and erodes supportive tissues, such as the gums.
- If you must sip, choose healthier, lower-sugar drinks or be sure to rinse your mouth periodically with water (if a toothbrush is not handy).
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at (855) 438-4999book your appointment online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
- Don’t rush when you brush. Be sure to go over every tooth thoroughly and all sides of the teeth. For patients with all 32 teeth, this means brushing for at least two minutes each time.
- What cannot be removed by brushing can be removed with dental floss. Use enough floss to clean between teeth without inadvertently using the same thread section. Children or patients with hard-to-clean areas, such as underneath bridges, may benefit from floss threaders, dental picks, and other products. We can recommend the best product for your situation and demonstrate how to use them effectively.
- Replace your brush or brush head at least once every three or four months or after you have been sick. Also, if you notice that your brush is fraying quickly, you may be cleaning too aggressively! All it takes is a light touch to remove food particles, bacteria, plaque, and stubborn plaque build-up (calculus or tartar) with dental floss and toothbrushes.
Find out more ways to step up your home hygiene game! Schedule an appointment at our office in Milton, Ontario. Call Scott and Derry Dental Care at (855) 438-4999 or request an appointment on this website.
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