Taking Care of Your Smile after Teeth Veneer Treatment
When watching your favourite movie, you will notice most movie stars have a first-class smile. But do you think they were born like that? Absolutely not. These celebrities realized the power of veneers to enhance their smile.
And because you also want to get a picture-worthy smile, veneer treatment from Scott and Derry Dental Care of Milton, Ontario, is an impeccable solution for perfectly shaped teeth. But since they don’t come cheap, you would want your veneers to last long, don’t you? Taking care of your veneers is an entire regimen. However, maintenance of your veneers is effortless since Dr. Jameela Jifri and associates share a simplified process for making your investment last for years.
Taking care of your veneers
Since veneers are supposed to match your natural teeth, keeping them in tip-top condition isn’t an option. By following the below tips, your veneers should last for a decade or more!
- Keep them clean: You must brush twice a day and floss your veneers at least once a day, just like you take care of your natural teeth. Poor oral hygiene may lead to gum disease that makes your gum line recede, exposing your veneers’ borders. The results? That puts your veneers at risk of chipping or detachment.
- Don’t bite hard objects: We all know that teeth aren’t used for eating only. You use them to open bottles and bite nails, pens, and so on. Unfortunately, these activities might not be as harmful to your natural teeth, but they are detrimental to your veneers. Hard objects like bottle tops are likely to chip the porcelain dental veneers – and you won’t like the results.
- Use the right toothpaste: Avoid toothpaste that is too abrasive for your veneers. Stay away from toothpaste with substances like hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate. These elements are likely to stain or corrode your veneers’ surface.
- Avoid the grind: Bruxism is a condition where patients clench their teeth while sleeping, and it’s terrible news for veneers. Unfortunately, most people can’t help with the condition. However, if you talk to your dentist, they can recommend a nighttime bite guard to protect your veneers and teeth.
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at
(855) 438-4999book your appointment
online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
When done well, porcelain dental veneers can help shave off years off your face. But for you to maintain your shine for a decade or more, you need to observe proper care for your veneers.
Need to learn more about veneers’ maintenance in Milton, ON, and its environs? Please contact (855) 438-4999 to book a consultation with Scott and Derry Dental Care.
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