Where Can I Learn About Extraction of Wisdom Teeth in Milton, ON?

With Dr. Jameela Jifri and the professionals at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON, you’ll be made an active, informed participant in your care. If you’re approaching the age when the extraction of your wisdom teeth should be considered, or if you have questions about the removal. Dr. Jifri, a board-certified dentist, will talk you through the procedure and help you understand why it may be necessary. She will also explain its benefits and what to expect. She believes in education and communication, and she will make sure you are confident and comfortable with your treatment from start to finish.
What are the Advantages of Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
Wisdom teeth or “third molars” are the last of your adult teeth to grow in, and they can occasionally cause a variety of oral health problems. The most common problem is that there isn’t room for these other teeth. That can cause these late-developing molars to grow in at an odd angle or crowd your other teeth. They can also inhibit jaw movement. In some cases, these teeth do not break through the gum line and develop under your gum tissues instead. It is called “impaction,” and it can injure tissues, nerves, bones, and other underlying structures, leading to discomfort and more complicated symptoms.
Extracting your wisdom teeth is a standard procedure that can stop complications from these late-developing teeth from affecting your life. Dr. Jifri brings a gentle, conservative hand to every treatment, and she can ease any concerns you may have before beginning treatment.
Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Hurt?
Depending on the state of your wisdom teeth, the extraction process will look a little different. If the teeth have grown through the gums, they can be removed by simply pulling the tooth. Using a local anesthetic to anesthetize the area, Dr. Jifri can safely pull the tooth without surgery. For impacted teeth, Dr. Jifri will need to numb the entire area before treatment. That will allow her to access your tooth through your gums painlessly.
After treatment, you’ll be sent home with clear, simple instructions for keeping the area clean and free of infection. After a brief healing period, you’ll be able to return to life as usual.
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Where Can I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
To talk with Dr. Jameela Jifri about wisdom teeth extraction, or schedule an appointment for an examination, call Dr. Jifri at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON (855) 438-4999.
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