Dental clinic in Milton, ON offers hygiene education

Dental clinic in Milton, ON offers hygiene education

Dental hygiene clinic in Milton on area at Scott and Derry Dental Care

At Scott and Derry Dental Care, patients in the community of Milton, ON and the surrounding areas have access to a clinic with professionals who care! Our team, led by Dr. Jameela Jifri, is dedicated to helping patients achieve dental health and maintain the results for a lifetime. Our team educates patients on dental hygiene habits that can keep them healthy and avoid problems in the smile such as periodontal disease and cavities.

How do I care for my smile?

There are several steps patients can take to maintain their oral health. Dr. Jameela Jifri and her team advise patients to follow these few simple recommendations:

  • Brush and floss after each meal. Even after snacks and drinking beverages, patients should brush their teeth to remove sugars and acids from the teeth that can contribute to cavities. Patients should also floss between their teeth at least once a day to remove food particles that can help bacteria grow in the mouth and cause periodontal disease to develop.
  • Visit the dentist every six months. Patients should take great care in protecting their teeth from a variety of issues. In addition to home care, patients should have a standing appointment with their dentist every six months. These visits often consist of a thorough cleaning and evaluation. If there are any concerns found by the dental team, recommendations are made to treat them.
  • Don’t ignore dental health problems. Whether you are noticing pain in a tooth or bleeding gums, any changes to your dental health should be evaluated as soon as possible. Many dental problems are treatable in their early stages but may cause permanent damage if completely ignored. Even between six month recall visits, patients should see their dentist for an evaluation.

Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at

(855) 438-4999book your appointment

online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.

Discuss your dental hygiene needs with our dental associates

If you are interested in working with a team of professionals to achieve better oral health and wellness, we welcome you to book an appointment with Dr. Jameela Jifri and her associates at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON. Call the office at (855) 438-4999 and visit our practice located in Unit #7 at 6521 Derry Road.

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Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON best dentist Dr. Jameela Jifri

Scott and Derry Dental Care - Dr. Jameela Jifri

If you are looking for a dentist facility where your entire family can get treated with the same professional care, Scott and Derry dental care is the one for you. We provide a comfortable environment for patients of all ages and backgrounds to get treated for dental related issues. With up to date technology and the latest equipment, we assure the best quality services from our skilled team of dentists led by Dr.Jameela Jifri. Our services range from preventive, general, hygiene, restorative dental treatments and cosmetic enhancements to dental surgeries. As we value your convenience we offer flexible appointment schedules with weekends and late-night appointment time and easy locations with free parking facilities. Dental facilities are designed with free Wi-Fi, a clean environment and a classy ambience to help patients relax and feel comfortable at all times. All treatments are catered to each patient's unique conditions and needs including their lifestyle and budget. Our staff consists of professional individuals who are passionate about helping people lead a healthier happy life and they are ready to guide you throughout the process with any help needed.

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