The many benefits of White Fillings for improving your oral health

Healthy and natural teeth are a shade of white. Over time, teeth can be marred by stains that detract from a vibrant and pleasing smile. Moreover, the discolouration can represent much more than a cosmetic issue; dark pits or stains may indicate the presence of tooth decay or cavities. Thanks to modern materials and techniques, we at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, Ontario, can treat cavities with white fillings that look like natural tooth structures and that are indistinguishable in appearance from their healthy, unaltered neighbours.
Benefits of white fillings
White fillings are attractive and natural in appearance and present other benefits over silver-coloured fillings made from a combination of metals (dental amalgams). We’ve outlined some of the many advantages below:
- Fillings made from alternatives to metals, such as colour-matched composite resin, are appropriate for patients with a history of sensitivities to metals. The risks of allergic reactions are avoided.
- The materials used to make white fillings are biocompatible, which is another way of referring to non-toxic products that are designed to safely complement natural tissues. These materials do not irritate the gums or other oral structures the way metals might, nor do they trigger sensitivity over time.
- Composites are applied in a conservative manner, which preserves maximum natural and healthy tooth structure. The more natural tooth we can preserve, the stronger the altered tooth will be. These techniques support lasting durability and reduce the risk of fractures or wear and tear to opposing teeth.
- As alternatives to metals, composite fillings do not corrode or darken over time. They also retain their density and hardness.
- Due to the conservative nature of the white filling placement, the process of replacing silver fillings or of “filling in” the cavity or hole in the tooth is well-tolerated. Our gentle and advanced approach to treatment also supports a comfortable, pain-free process.
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at (855) 438-4999book your appointment online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
Schedule your appointment today!
If it’s been a while since you’ve seen your friendly dentist at Scott and Derry Dental Care, or if you are concerned about a tooth or any changes to your oral health, we urge you to schedule an appointment right away. Dental problems do not go away on their own — they require appropriate, professional treatment. Call our Milton office today at (855) 438-4999 to schedule your visit.
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