Common Questions Patients ask about Dental Denture Services from a Dentist in Milton, ON area

Do you find yourself in a situation where you have several missing teeth that may require dental denture service in the Milton, ON area? There are several options available to those in need of dentures making this a highly sought out option for many individuals. Dr. Jameela Jifri and her team at Scott and Derry Dental Care thoroughly enjoy working with patients to find the right denture solution. Dr. Jifri understands the challenges faced by individuals who are missing teeth or suffering from ill-fitting dentures. Dr. Jifri would love to work with you and restore your smile to one that is full, sparking, and happy.
Let us assume you are a candidate for dentures. You are sure to have so many questions about living with dentures that you will want to discuss with your dentist. Let us take a look at some common questions that many patients have regarding dentures.
Can You Eat Normally with Dentures?
Many patients who receive dentures will face a time of adjustment where they become acclimated to wearing, speaking, and chewing with their new dentures. After you become accustomed to the feel and functionality of your dentures, you should be able to eat normally and without issue. Some foods may take more time than others to get used to eating such as hard or sticky foods. For patients who do not have implanted dentures, using a small amount of denture adhesive will provide stability to your dentures as you get used to chewing food with them.
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at
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online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
My Lower Dentures Feel Loose. Is This Normal?
Many individuals who receive a full set of dentures report their lower dentures feeling less stable than the upper. This is not uncommon and is most likely caused by the shape of your gums on your lower ridge combined with the movement of your tongue. Consult with your dental professional about this issue so that they can examine and determine what may be the issue. One possible solution could be implanted dentures which provide a much more stable situation and allow you to chew with better efficiency and stability. You will feel more confident knowing your dentures remain in place.
If you have more questions about dentures and the options available to you, please give Dr. Jameela Jifri and the team at Scott and Derry Dental Care a call today at (855) 438-4999.
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