Obtain a customized sports mouthguard to protect your smile with the help of Milton, ON area dentist

It is important that individuals of all ages get daily exercise and participating in sports can also boost your mood, improve your self-confidence, and help cultivate social relationships. At the same time, high-impact sports such as soccer and football can result in traumatic injuries to the mouth. Milton, Ontario area dentist, Dr. Jameela Jifri, encourages patients to consider the use of a customized sports mouthguard for many athletic activities to reduce the risk of damage to the soft oral tissues or teeth.
What is an athletic mouthguard?
High-impact sports can cause injury to the mouth, face, and other parts of the body, which is why many of these activities require patients to wear protective gear. The same applies to the mouth. Knocked out teeth can impact a smile permanently and will require the assistance of a dentist to address. However, when wearing a custom-made mouthguard during sports, patients can reduce the risk of permanent damage to their teeth and soft tissue. The mouthguard fits in the mouth and covers the dental arch on the top and bottom for ultimate protection.
Why choose a professionally made mouthguard?
While there are many over-the-counter options at the local drugstore when it comes to protective mouth wear, many of them fail to fit properly to be effective protection. Instead, Dr. Jameela Jifri encourages patients to visit her practice at Scott and Derry Dental Care to have a customized mouthguard made to ensure proper fit and function. Our mouthguards are:
- Custom-made for the smile
- Smooth and comfortable to wear
- Effective at reducing impact to the teeth and soft tissues
- Affordable for our patients
During an appointment with our team, we want our patients to be open and honest about the activities they participate in to find out if they will benefit from having a professionally made athletic mouthguard.
Call the cosmetic dentist trusted throughout the Milton, ON area - Scott and Derry Dental Care at
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online. Every restorative treatment and cosmetic strategy is an individualized experience here.
Obtain a customized sports mouthguard for your athletic activities
If you live in the area of Milton, Ontario and want to speak to a professional about the benefits of using a mouthguard during high-impact sports, we invite you to have a custom-made appliance created at our facility. We are located at 6521 Derry Road, Unit 7 and can be reached by calling (855) 438-4999.
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