Sports Mouthguards

Protect Your Smile with a Custom Design Mouthguard

Custom Design Mouthguards in Milton Area

Do you love sports? Do you wear a mouthguard? Here are some fascinating facts. Approximately 40% of dental injuries are sustained in sports, and failing to wear a mouthguard makes you 60 times susceptible to mouth and face injuries! As we let these statistics sink in, it’s time to consider a mouthguard. While most people in Milton shun mouthguards because they hamper breathing, alter speech, and feel uncomfortable, custom-designed mouthguards are precisely the opposite. The process of getting a custom-made mouthguard If you are about to get a mouthguard from Scott and Derry Dental Care, the process begins by taking … Continue reading

Milton, ON dentist, offers custom, quality sports mouthguards for patients

Sports Mouth Guard Dentist in Milton ON Area

Suppose you are regularly involved in a sporting activity that may cause damage to the smile, such as hockey, football, or soccer. In that case, it may be time to speak to a dentist about having a custom sports mouthguard fabricated for use. Mouthguards for sports are essential when it comes to protecting the teeth and gums from injury. Milton, ON area dentist, Dr. Jameela Jifri and her associates are proud to offer custom mouthguards for athletes at her state-of-the-art practice. Discuss your need for mouthguards today Dr. Jameela Jifri and Associates at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, … Continue reading

Protecting Young Athletes: The Importance of Custom Mouthguards for Sports

Your Dentist and Custom Sports Mouthguards in Milton ON Area

In the search for custom sports mouthguards in Milton, Ontario, look no further than your trusted dental professionals at Scott and Derry Dental Care. The key here is “custom,” as you or your child can benefit from professionally designed and manufactured mouthguards that are made to exact specifications. Many benefits stem from this one-of-a-kind design and professional technique.

Discover how custom sports mouthguards in Milton, ON provide protection during contact sports

Custom Sports Mouthguard at Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton ON Area

Regardless of your age, if you engage in contact sports, you should wear protective gear to protect yourself. Most people remember to wear a helmet and padding. However, the mouth is commonly ignored when it should be equally protected. Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON offers custom sports mouthguards to prevent dental injuries. The benefit of wearing dental mouthguards clearly outweighs any potential damage or injuries that could come from not protecting the mouth. The benefit of custom dental mouth guards Dental mouthguards for sports are individually created using impressions of the patient’s teeth. The impressions are sent … Continue reading

Obtain a customized sports mouthguard to protect your smile with the help of Milton, ON area dentist

Obtain a Customized Sports Mouthguard to Protect Your Smile With the Help of Dentist in Milton, ON Area

It is important that individuals of all ages get daily exercise and participating in sports can also boost your mood, improve your self-confidence, and help cultivate social relationships. At the same time, high-impact sports such as soccer and football can result in traumatic injuries to the mouth. Milton, Ontario area dentist, Dr. Jameela Jifri, encourages patients to consider the use of a customized sports mouthguard for many athletic activities to reduce the risk of damage to the soft oral tissues or teeth. Obtain a customized sports mouthguard for your athletic activities If you live in the area of Milton, Ontario … Continue reading

Protect your child’s smile with custom made mouthguards from your Milton, ON dentist

Custom Made Mouthguards in Milton ON area

When your child is playing a sport, you’ll often go out and purchase them helmets, shin guards, knee pads, and other protective gear. But, did you know that nearly half of all sports injuries involve the mouth? Custom made mouthguards from Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, ON can protect your child’s smile from the risks of sports-related injuries. About custom made mouthguards Mouthguards are a protective covering for the teeth that are completely customized to fit your child’s mouth. While you can often find mouthguards at your local sporting goods store, these are one-size-fits-all and not nearly as … Continue reading

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