Dental Hygiene

5 Essential Tips for Your Next Dental Cleaning Appointment

Get Hygiene Teeth Cleaning in Milton ON Area

The team at Scott and Derry Dental Care of Milton, Ontario, works hard each day to help patients keep their teeth and gums healthy and attractive. To do this, Dr. Jameela Jifri and her associates often recommend routine dental cleanings with a dental hygienist. Below are five things you need to know about visiting a dental hygienist at our office for a professional dental cleaning. 1. Recommended Frequency for Dental Cleanings Many patients often ask our team about the appropriate frequency for dental cleanings. Our experienced team typically recommends that individuals schedule a dental examination and cleaning every six months, … Continue reading

There is no substitute for professional care; protect your healthy, beautiful smile with recall hygiene visits

Dental Hygiene Appointment in Milton ON Area

At Scott and Derry Dental Care, we offer many life-changing treatments to restore or replace broken, damaged, and missing or failing teeth. However, professional hygiene appointments are arguably among the most powerful dental services provided by Dr. Jameela Jifri and her associates in Milton, Ontario.  Don’t react and treat – prevent and protect instead! Toothaches, fractures, loose teeth, painful and bleeding gums, and other distressing oral conditions are often caused by progressive dental (tooth) decay and periodontal (gum) disease. The good news is these conditions are highly preventable with recall hygiene appointments at our office, as advised by Dr. Jifri.  … Continue reading

What are some diseases and dental conditions that can be caused by poor oral hygiene?

What Are Oral Hygiene Diseases in Milton ON Area

At Scott and Derry Dental Care of Milton, Ontario, we know how poor oral hygiene habits can impact one’s smile. Not only can it cause yellowing and discoloration of the teeth, but it can also increase the risk of developing certain diseases and dental conditions that can significantly–and permanently–impact one’s oral health. If you are interested in learning more about caring for your smile, Dr. Jameela Jifri and her associates can help! Schedule a visit with our team at Scott and Derry Dental Care! Milton, ON, area patients interested in taking good care of their smiles and having questions about … Continue reading

Happy, Healthy Smiles are Made with a combination of Great Home Care and Regular Visits to Our Office.

Tips for Good Oral Hygiene, From Near Me In Milton ON

Regular visits to Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, Ontario, are essential to good oral health. However, they must be complemented by good hygiene at home. Questions? Concerns? We are happy to guide you on techniques and products tailored to you and can be easily integrated into your home care routine. All patients, regardless of needs or risk factors, can benefit from the following tips: Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that is the right size for your mouth. Some adults with small mouths may find it easier to use youth brushes. We can also recommend electric or battery-powered … Continue reading

Safeguard your oral health with quality, professional Dental Hygiene services

Professional Dental Hygiene Services in Milton ON Area

Oral hygiene is about more than maintaining healthy and attractive-looking teeth. Dental hygiene refers to caring for the teeth; however, we at Scott and Derry Dental Care appreciate that healthy teeth depend on surrounding tissues and other oral (mouth) structures. From our office in Milton, Ontario, we provide professional dental hygiene services and guidance to support the structural integrity, comfort, function, and appearance of the teeth, as well as:  Gum or gingival tissue Oral mucosa that lines the mouth  Tongue and floor of the mouth Palate (roof) Jaws, joints, muscles, and other interconnected structures and tissues The importance of dental … Continue reading

Dental Hygiene Care for a sparkling, healthy smile

Dental Hygiene Care in Milton ON Area

Most people know that they should brush and floss every day, but how and when you brush your teeth, as well as other small habits throughout the day, can all make a big difference in the health of your smile. At Scott and Derry Dental Care in Milton, Ontario, we love helping our patients keep their smiles healthy at home by providing quick and easy dental hygiene tips. To schedule your dental cleaning at Scott and Derry Dental Care, call us in Milton, Ontario, today at .

Dental hygiene consultations provided by Milton, ON dentist for clean and healthy smiles

Dental Hygiene Consultation at Derry Dental Care in Milton ON Area

Good dental hygiene treatment does more than keep cavities and gum disease at bay. It also helps keep your teeth sparkling and your breath fresh so you can feel confident about your smile in any situation. Most people know they should brush and floss each day, but did you know there are specific techniques you should use? At Scott and Derry Dental Care, our team of dental professionals provides dental hygiene consultations to patients in the Milton, ON so they can make the most out of their daily dental care routine. The proper brushing technique Brushing your teeth twice per … Continue reading

Maximizing Your Oral Health: Essential Insights and Guidance for Recall Appointments

6-plus Ways Professional Dental Hygiene Services in Milton, ON Area to Keep Your Smile at Its Brilliant Best

The journey of restoring and sustaining a healthy mouth and appealing smile is a true partnership between patients and professionals at the Milton, Ontario, office of Scott and Derry Dental Care. Our trusted and routine hygiene services help avoid the damage that leads to the need for aggressive, time-consuming, and potentially expensive restorative treatment. Guidance from Dr. Jameela Jifri and her associates also helps to elevate the cleaning techniques and related measures taken at home to keep your teeth, gums, and mouth in top shape.

How best to Care for Your Teeth After Dental Hygiene Service in Milton ON

How Best to Care for Your Teeth After Dental Hygiene Service in Milton ON Area

Caring for your teeth does not stop when you leave the dentist. While a dental hygiene service in Milton, ON, is done every six months, teeth cleaning is a daily task. You need to brush, floss, and watch what you eat and drink to maintain a healthy smile. At Scott and Derry Dental Care, we take the time to educate you on the best ways to care for your teeth at home while in between dental hygiene treatment. Read on to learn more about caring for your teeth. If your teeth feel sensitive after a cleaning, you still need to … Continue reading

What to expect from professional hygiene services in Milton, ON

Professional Hygiene Services at Scott & Derry Dental Care in Milton ON Area

Quality dental care requires a group effort. As the patient, you use good oral habits and dental hygiene care at home. For professional hygiene services in Milton, ON, contact Scott and Derry Dental Care. Our dental team provides high-quality dental care to help keep patients’ mouths healthy. Through regular dental appointments, our team can help prevent, diagnose, and treat potential problems to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy. Routine dental hygiene care As part of the group effort to maintain the health of your mouth, your dental team sees you regularly. Routine dental care with your dentist is crucial for … Continue reading

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